We're excited to keep you in the loop with every step of your digital marketing journey! After we have successfully set up and configured your dashboard, we take an additional step to ensure you're always informed and empowered with your marketing data. We'll create a comprehensive report that's scheduled to be sent directly to you every month.

You can expect to receive an email from us each month that not only includes your detailed report but also provides you with a link to schedule a call with us.

This monthly meeting is a fantastic opportunity for us to review your report together, discuss your progress, and strategize for the coming month. Reports are generated and sent between the 5th and the end of each month to account for data synchronization and reporting delays from other systems.

To ensure consistency and help you plan accordingly, your report will be automatically sent out in the same week of your sign-up month, every following month. For example, if you signed up on the 8th, your report will be sent out the week of the 8th of the following month. This way, you'll know exactly when to expect your insights and when we can have our valuable touch-base meetings.

We look forward to our ongoing collaboration and are here to support your success every step of the way!