GBP Business Address Verification

When creating a local Google Business Profile listing for your business please follow this guide:
*Ensure you provide 100% accurate information in your verification request.
If you followed the above guide and run into problems verifying your business, you will need to contact GBP support via this link:

You will need to:

  • Explain your verification issue concisely in 100 characters or less.
  • Confirm your issue by selecting one of the provided boxes that best describes your issue.
    • Upon selecting one of the problems suggested, you will be provided with a list of resources that may help solve your problem
    • Review each resource and perform the necessary processes to remedy the problem
  • If none of the resources provide any assistance for your problem, click Next Step 
  • You will be provided with a contact form to fill out. Fill out all fields and provide as much information as possible.

Once Google contacts you, follow their instructions to solve the verification issue.