When selecting cities for geo pages, or areas served pages, we carefully evaluate to ensure maximum exposure to qualified homeowners in areas where our services are demanded and opportunities exist.

Here's a simple breakdown of how we make these choices:

  1. What People Are Looking For: First, we look into what homeowners are searching for online. This helps us figure out which cities have a lot of people needing our services.
  2. Competition and Interest: We also see how tough the competition is and how many people are interested in our type of services in different cities. This way, we pick places where we know we can make a difference.
  3. Your Location and Service Area: We evaluate cities that are an appropriate distance from your main office.
  4. City Size and Needs: Bigger cities or those with specific needs for home services catch our attention. We look at how many people live there and what their houses might need, so we can be there with the right solutions.
  5. Data and Trends: We always keep an ear to the ground for new trends or questions homeowners have. This helps us anticipate where our services might be needed next.
  6. Your Input Matters: When you join us, we listen to what you say about your area and what homeowners there need. Your feedback during the onboarding process is crucial. It helps us understand better where our services are needed the most and tailor our offerings accordingly.

By putting all this together, we carefully pick the cities that have opportunities and ones that will help us roll out our strategy.