Heatmaps are a great way to visualize your local rankings from within your service area. The dots represents different GPS coordinates in a gid format, and the numbers represent your local rankings from Google Maps. The more dark green (lower numbers 1,2,3s) you see on the heatmap the better.
Here's an overview of the other performance metrics:
AGR stands for Average Grid Rank. This metric shows your business's average local position, calculated based on the areas where you already are ranking. It excludes position values higher than 20+. It only considers search results ranked between 1-20.
ATGR, or Average Total Grid Rank, on the other hand, is a broader measure. It includes the ranking of your business even when it's not found among the top 20 search results. Or in other words, the total average in the entire area on the heatmap. 
SoLV is the acronym for Share of Local Voice. This is a traditional marketing metric that compares your share of visibility to that of your competitors. It gives an idea of your business' popularity, its market position, brand recognition, conversation volumes, as well as its online visibility.
The ideal scenario is for all three indicators to be closer to 1. Despite this, SoLV is ranked on an ascending scale from 0 to 1, whereas AGR and ATGR descend from 21 to 1.