1. Topic Creation 3-5 DAYS
    Our SEO team and content creators perform keyword research and craft topics and titles for your content. These are sent out for your review.
  2. Topic Approval
    You can approve or reject the topics before we start creating the content.
  3. Content Creation 3-5 DAYS
    Our fantastic writing team creates your content, optimized for search engines and readability.
  4. Social Media Image Selection
    Our team selects a photo so that your content can have a shareable social media image.
  5. Quality Control 3-5 DAYS
    Our quality control team reviews your articles to ensure they adhere to standards and guidelines.
  6. Content Approval
    You can approve or reject your content to make sure you are 100% satisfied.
  7. Posting to Your Content 1-5 Days
    If you provided us access to your blog, our team will upload your content. Approved landing pages will be sent out to the webmaster for publishing.


The entire process typically takes between 10-15 business days, when client reviews and approves are timely.